MEP Whatsapp Group

We do have a whatsapp group. If you wish to join the same. Please read the following and email us requested details

If you agree with the below terms and conditions, please fill in the details below (in the space provided in the boxes below) and send it across to us and we will add you to the group. Please send in your requests to

Terms & Conditions


  1. You will not call our whatsapp number or send any personal message to that number for any updates or any reason
  2. You will actively participate in the group
  3. You will not keep on requesting for any updates, all updates will be shared as soon as available
  4. You will not spam or post any illegal messages related to Piracy or Porn.
  5. You will not share our number with anyone


What you will need to do to avoid being removed from the group.


  1. Like and Share our posts from the Facebook Page and Website
  2. Actively contribute in the group by sharing what you have rather than what you want to know
  3. You will need to share our website details and posts on your other whatsapp groups


If  you agree with the above, please fill in the below details and send the same to and we would process your request and add you to the group. If all information are not provided, you will not be added

Name Phone Number Your Date Of Birth City State Country